Initial R Blend

Lesson Overview

When there are two consonants together and each makes its own sound, it is called a consonant blend. When the second letter in a consonant blend is r and the first letter is a consonant, it is called an Initial R Blend.

ex: trip, fresh, drill, trap

Student Objectives

  • Student will be able to blend two beginning consonant letter sounds together


  • Student will decode (read) words with the Initial R Blend

  • Student will encode (spell) words with the Initial R Blend

  • Student will use a question mark effectively in oral and written language

Practice Games

Here are some optional fun games to help reinforce the concept your student is learning. They are not required as part of the lesson:

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Initial R Blend

Introduction Lesson

Review Cards

Sound Cards

Review and Drill – beginning consonant cards, a, i, o, u, e, th, sh, ch, wh, ff, ll, ss, zz

“When I hold up a letter, say the letter’s name, and give its sound.” 

“Good job! We are going to learn to read and spell words with R Blend today.”

Step 1

Picture Page

Student Workbook Page 73 – l, s, r, m, n, Blends

Hold up the Blends

Say, “Look at this picture of the blender. See how it is blending many sounds together? A consonant blend is a group of two or three consonants at the beginning or end of a word. Each consonant in a blend makes its own sound.” 

On a whiteboard, write the word:


Point to the word. “With your finger, draw a line under the blend tr. What sound does the t make? What sound does the r make? Now go back to the beginning of the word and with your finger sound out each letter one at a time. Now glide your finger under the word and read it fast.”

Repeat with:

grass, frog, crab, fresh

Step 2

Phonological Awareness

Write the words on the whiteboard: grab, drop, brush, cram

Point to the word grab. Say, “What is this word? In the word grab, what do the two letters gr say?”

Point to the word drop. Say, “What is this word? In the word drop, what do the two letters dr say?”

Point to the word brush. Say, “What is this word? In the word brush, what do the two letters br say?”

Point to the word cram. Say, “What is this word? In the word cram, what do the two letters cr say?”

Step 3

Sound Tiles

Use the back cover of the Student Workbook and the blank green and white sound tiles for this activity.

Say, “How many sounds do you hear in the word grin? Yes, you hear 4 sounds. Repeat the word and bring down a sound tile for each sound you hear. Touch each tile and say its sound. Then glide your finger under the tiles and say the whole word fast.”

Repeat this activity with:

grub, prop, trap, trot, brat, drag, drum, drug, frog

Step 4

Red Words

Review and Drill red-checked Red Words on page 156.  

Mastery Check – If the student can say the red word within three seconds or less, place a black check mark next to the word. A black check means the student has mastered the word and can now be reviewed once in awhile but daily review is not necessary.

Write the word give on the whiteboard. Say, “This is the word give.

“What is this word? Point to the word. Slide your pointer finger under the word while you read it.” Have student repeat this three times.

“Now, stand up. Spell the word, tapping once for each letter down your arm. Then read the word again while sliding your hand from shoulder to wrist.” Have student repeat this three times.

“Now write the word in a red marker on your whiteboard saying the letters aloud as you write and underline the word as you read it.” Have the student write, read and underline three times.

“Can you give me the word in a sentence?”

Turn to page 156 and put a red check mark next to the word give 

Step 5


Student Workbook Page 86 – Word List: Initial R Blend

“Put your finger under the first word. Underline the vowel. What is that sound? Good. Now read the word.”

Repeat with the remaining words, reading left to right. 

Step 6

Sound Dictation

Student Workbook Page 89 – Sounds

“Say /br/. With your finger, write the sound /br/ on your palm. Now pick up your pen and write the sound /br/ on your paper.”

Repeat with the following sounds:

/gl/, /sp/, /sh/, /tr/, /fr/, /gr/, /w/, /th/, /dr/ 

Have the student go back and read each sound that they have written aloud to you.

Step 7

Word Dictation

Student Workbook Page 89 – Words

“Say grass. Spell the word grass by writing the letters on your palm. Now pick up your pen and write the word grass on your paper.”

Repeat with the following words:

grab, press, trim, grin, grim, grill, grid, prop, trip 

Have the student go back and read each word that they have written aloud to you.

Step 8

Sentence Dictation

Student Workbook Page 89 – Sentences

“Listen carefully as I say a sentence and watch as I make a dash on the board for each word in the sentence.”  

Brad has hot broth.

___  ___  ___  ___ .

“Now, you say the sentence as you point to each dash. Now, you fill in each dash with each word from the sentence. Good. Now go back and read the sentence that you just wrote.”

Repeat the above with the following sentences, but this time in the student workbook instead of the whiteboard:

He will drag the drum.

Beth can drill the math.

Step 9

Fluency Practice

Student Workbook Page 136 – Fluency Practice 15  

Place a reading marker under the first row. Going across the row, have the student read each word as quickly as they can. Be cautious, as some students will become very anxious if they feel any time pressure. Never push for speed at the cost for accuracy. Accuracy is more important than speed. If the student will tolerate it, have the student do all 15 rows.

Step 10

Word Games

Student Workbook Page 151

Game 13 – Read the Word

Each player places a counter at the START. Roll the die and move across the board. Read each word as you pass over it. 

Ex: If you roll a 4, read 4 words.

If you land on a lion, go back to START. Whoever gets to FINISH first is the winner!

Initial R Blend

Practice Lesson

Review Cards

Sound Cards

Review and Drill – beginning consonant cards, a, i, o, u, e, th, sh, ch, wh, ff, ll, ss, zz

“When I hold up a letter, say the letter’s name, and give its sound.”

“Great job! We are going to continue reading and spelling words with R Blend today.”

Step 1

Sky Writing

Write the letters br on the whiteboard.

“We are now going to Sky Write these sounds. Stand up and extend your arm all the way out in front of you. Ready?” 

/br/  (Say the sound.)  br  (Say the letters as you Sky Write.)  /br/  (underline the sound and say the sound).

Repeat with:

fr, pr, dr

Step 2

Phonological Awareness

“Say grit. Say grit again but this time instead of /t/, say /m/.” (grim)

“Say brim. Say brim again but this time, instead of /br/, say /sl/.” (slim)

“Say crop. Say crop again but this time, instead of /p/, say /ss/.” (cross)

“Say drab. Say drab again but this time, instead of /b/, say /g/.” (drag)

“Say frizz. Say frizz again but this time, instead of /fr/, say /f/.” (fizz)

“Say gramSay gram again but this time, instead of /ă/, say /ĭ/.” (grim)  

Step 3

Letter Tiles

“Say grass. Bring down the letters for each sound in grass. Read the word again. Now put all the letters back where they belong.”

Repeat with:

bran, drum, crop, cross, drag, drop, crab, frizz, trot

Step 4

Red Words

Review and Drill red-checked Red Words on page 156.  

Write the word all on the whiteboard. Say, “This is the word all.

“What is this word? Point to the word. Slide your pointer finger under the word while you read it.” Have student repeat this three times.

“Now, stand up. Spell the word, tapping once for each letter down your arm. Then read the word again while sliding your hand from shoulder to wrist.” Have student repeat this three times.

“Now write the word in a red marker on your whiteboard saying the letters aloud as you write and underline the word as you read it.” Have the student write, read and underline three times.

“Can you give me the word in a sentence?”

Turn to page 156 and put a red check mark next to the word all.  

Step 5


Student Workbook Page 86 – Sentences: Initial R Blend

Look at the first sentence.”

1.  Scott has a drum.

Put your finger under the first word in the sentence. Now read the sentence quietly in your head and look at me when you are finished and I will ask you a question.”

When the student looks up at you, ask:

“Who has a drum?” (Scott)

“Good. Now go back and read the sentence out loud.”

Repeat with:

2.  Let us plan a trip to the hill.

“Where should we plan a trip to?” (the hill)

3.  The grass is wet from the fog.

“What made the grass wet?” (the fog)

4.  Jon has a frog trap with him.

“What kind of trap does Jon have?” (a frog trap)

5.  A fresh plum is on the grass.

“What kind of fruit is on the grass?” (a plum)

6.  Fill the mug to the brim.

“What do you think was in the mug?” (answers will vary)

7.  Cram the stuff into the box?

“What does it mean to cram stuff?” (fill it up)

8.  Grab a dress and put it on.

“What does mom want the child to put on?” (a dress)

9.  Fred says not to brag.

“Why is it not nice to brag?” (answers will vary)

10.  That crab can go in his shell.

“Where might the crab go?” (into his shell) 

Step 6

Sound Dictation

Student Workbook Page 90 – Sounds

“Say /pr/. With your finger, write the sound /pr/ on your palm. Now pick up your pen and write the sound /pr/ on your paper.”

Repeat with:

/tr/, /ch/, /gr/, /th, /dr/, /gl/, /sh/, /w/, /sp/

Have the student go back and read each sound that they have written aloud to you. 

Step 7

Word Dictation

Student Workbook Page 90 – Words

“Say dragSpell the word drag by writing the letters on your palm. Now pick up your pen and write the word drag on your paper.”

Repeat with:

frog, drip, crop, brush, brass, frizz, broth, grin, prop

Have the student go back and read each word that they have written aloud to you. 

Step 8

Sentence Dictation

Student Workbook Page 90 – Sentences

“Listen carefully as I say a sentence and watch as I make a dash on the board for each word in the sentence.”  

The frog swam.

___  ___  ___ .

“Now, you say the sentence as you point to each dash. Now, you fill in each dash with each word from the sentence. Good. Now go back and read the sentence that you just wrote.”

Repeat the above with the following sentences, but this time in the student workbook instead of the whiteboard:

The broth is still hot.

He has a brass drum.  

Step 9

Fluency Practice

Student Workbook Page 136 – Fluency Practice 15

Place a reading marker under the first row. Going across the row, have the student read each word as quickly as they can. Be cautious, as some students will become very anxious if they feel any time pressure. Never push for speed at the cost for accuracy. Accuracy is more important than speed. If the student will tolerate it, have the student do all 15 rows. 

Grammar Lesson


“We learned already that all sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark. Today we are going to learn about a special type of sentence that is called a question. I am going to ask you some questions. I will ask the question and you answer the question in a complete sentence.”

“What is your name?” Wait for response.

“You just answered my question with a statement. You gave me information. Now I will ask you another question.”

“What is your favorite food?” Wait for response.

“Now you ask me a question.” Answer the student’s question in a complete sentence.

“A sentence that asks something is called a question. It ends with a question mark. I will show you how to make a question mark.” Draw a question mark on the whiteboard.

“Now, I want you to practice making five question marks on your own paper.” Wait for student to finish.

Play the question game “May I?”  

The teacher will give a command such as, “Stand up,” then follow with commands such as:

“Pick up your pen.”

“Pick up one foot.”

“Walk over here.”

“Jump up and down.”


Before the student obeys the command, the student must first say, “May I?” If the student fails to say, “May I?” he or she must sit down until told to stand up again. 

Initial R Blend

Reinforcement Lesson

Review Cards

Sound Cards

Review and Drill – beginning consonant cards, a, i, o, u, e, th, sh ch, wh, ff, ll, ss, zz

“When I hold up a letter, say the letter’s name, and give its sound.”

“Great job! We are going to continue reading and spelling words with R Blend today.”

Step 1

Blending Drill

Place Sound Cards into four stacks: 

First Stack – ( c, f, g )

Second Stack – ( r )

Third Stack – ( a, e, i, o, u )

Fourth Stack – ( b, d, m, n, p, t, x )

Have student place their finger under each stack and say the sound out loud from left to right. Then have them read the nonsense word. 

Turn the cards from the First StackThird Stack, and Fourth Stack to create new nonsense words.

Step 2

Phonological Awareness

Write the word brush on the whiteboard. “What is this word?”

“What letter say /b/?”

“What letter says /r/?”

“What letters says /br/?”

“What letter says /ŭ/?”

“What letters say /sh/?”

“What does the letter b say?”

“What does the letter say?”

“What do the letters br say?”

“What does the letter u say?”

“What do the letters sh say?”

“What do the letters ush say?”

“Say brush. Say brush again, but change the /br/ to /m/. (mush) 

Step 3

Letter Tiles

“Say freshBring down the letters for each sound in fresh. Read the word again. Now put all the letters back where they belong.”  

Repeat with:

frill, drill, crib, brim, crash, dress, drop, frog, crab 

Step 4

Red Words

Review and Drill red-checked Red Words on page 156.  

Write the word or on the whiteboard. Say, “This is the word or.

“What is this word? Point to the word. Slide your pointer finger under the word while you read it.” Have student repeat this three times.

“Now, stand up. Spell the word, tapping once for each letter down your arm. Then read the word again while sliding your hand from shoulder to wrist.” Have student repeat this three times.

“Now write the word in a red marker on your whiteboard saying the letters aloud as you write and underline the word as you read it.” Have the student write, read and underline three times.

“Can you give me the word in a sentence?”

Turn to page 156 and put a red check mark next to the word or 

Step 5


Student Workbook Page 87 – Reading Passage: A Trip to the Ranch

Look at the title of this story. Can you read it out loud? What do you know about the topic of this story?” (Have you ever seen, known or been…Help student connect to the text.)

“Now, read the first paragraph quietly in your head and look at me when you are finished and I will ask you a question.” When the student looks up at you, ask “What is Greg’s plan?” (to go to the ranch and visit his friend)

“Now, read the next paragraph quietly in your head and look at me when you are finished and I will ask you a question.” When the student looks up at you, ask “What do the pals see on the hill?” (a frog)

“Now, read the last paragraph quietly in your head and look at me when you are finished and I will ask you a question.” When the student looks up at you, ask “Why does Brit drop the frog?” (to help his friend)

Go back to the beginning of the story and have the student read the entire story from the beginning to the end out loud.


Student Workbook Page 88 – Graphic Organizer

Have the student verbally express what happens at the beginning, middle and the end of the story. (Help student summarize the story.) Then have the student fill out the graphic organizer with a pen. Depending on the student, either have him draw pictures, write words, write sentences, or write an entire paragraph. 

Step 6

Sound Dictation

Student Workbook Page 91 – Sounds

“Say /kr/. With your finger, write the sound /kr/ on your palm. Now pick up your pen and write the sound /kr/ on your paper.” (cr) 

Repeat with the following sounds:

/dr/, /br/,/ kr/, /tr/, /pr/, /gr/,/fr/,/dr/, /br/, /kr/ 

Have the student go back and read each sound that they have written aloud to you.

Step 7

Word Dictation

Student Workbook Page 91 – Words

“Say broth. Spell the word broth by writing the letters on your palm. Now pick up your pen and write the word broth on your paper.”

Repeat with the following words:

fresh, drop, dress, crib, broth, brim, trip, prop, grin 

Have the student go back and read each word that they have written aloud to you.

Step 8

Sentence Dictation

Student Workbook Page 91 – Sentences

“Listen carefully as I say a sentence and watch as I make a dash on the board for each word in the sentence.”  

He cut the grass.

___  ___  ___  ___ .

“Now, you say the sentence as you point to each dash. Now, you fill in each dash with each word from the sentence. Good. Now go back and read the sentence that you just wrote.”

Repeat the above with the following sentences, but this time in the student workbook instead of the whiteboard:

She will prop the bag.

Fresh fish is best.

Step 9

Fluency Practice

Student Workbook Page 136 – Fluency Practice 15  

Place a reading marker under the first row. Going across the row, have the student read each word as quickly as they can. Be cautious, as some students will become very anxious if they feel any time pressure. Never push for speed at the cost for accuracy. Accuracy is more important than speed. If the student will tolerate it, have the student do all 15 rows. 

It is time for a Progress Check!

Student Workbook Page 120 – Progress Check: Initial R Blends

Have your student read the words and sentences out loud. If they get approximately 80% or more correct, then they are ready to move onto the next unit. 

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