Working memory is remembering and using information while in the middle of an activity.  For example, when you are cooking, you are using working memory by remembering all the different steps of a recipe.  In the early years, children use working memory to learn their letters, sounds, shapes and colors. Later on, it is a crucial skill for taking notes and following multi-step directions.  It also plays an important role in reading comprehension.  You can help develop your child’s working memory skills through fun games and practice. On today’s post I am going to share with you some fun activities to boost working memory skills with your children.

Play Card Games

Playing cards is an excellent way to improve working memory.  When your child has to remember the rules of the game, which cards he or she is holding while also remembering the cards the other players have played, your child is exercising working memory.  

Playing 10 minutes of Uno, Go Fish, Crazy Eights or War each day is so fun and easy. You can carry a deck of cards with you anywhere.  Plus, kids love card games.

Play Memory

This game is so simple, yet so powerful.  It really helps kids boost their working memory skills.  The memory cards are placed face down. Your child will pick up 2 cards trying to make a match.  If the cards do not match, then the child has to put it back face down (exactly where it was). Then it is your turn.  If you make a match, you keep the cards. While you are turning over the cards, your child has to focus on the cards at all times, in order to remember where the card was placed.  Whoever gets the most matches wins the game. Can you see how this game really builds memory skills?

You can make your own memory game using index cards.  By making your own, you can also include any concept your child is working on to practice both the concept and also enhance working memory skills.

I am Going to the Beach…

The aim of this game is to remember as many items packed as possible!  You will start the game by saying,

“I am going to the beach and I am bringing an umbrella.”  

The child then continues, “I am going to the beach and I am bringing an umbrella and a frisbee.

Then you continue with, “I am going to the beach and I am bringing an umbrella, a frisbee, and a chair.” 

Keep playing and continue taking turns to remember the items in order as the list gets longer and longer.  You can change the game to many different scenarios. For example, “I went to the store and I bought…” or “I went to school and took…”  All of these categories will work for boosting working memory skills.

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Twenty Questions

This is an awesome activity to boost working memory skills!  You will think of an object and your child asks up to 20 questions that can be answered only with “yes” or “no.”  Then switch roles. The objective of this game is to remember the clues and guess the object. 

This is a great game to help your child’s working memory because it challenges them to think beyond what they can see in their current surroundings and forces them to visualize.

I Have a Resource for You!

Thank you for reading my post today on boosting working memory skills.  You might also enjoy reading my previous posts:

How to Find Your Child’s Reading Level

My Favorite Sight Word Activities


Please don’t leave without checking out the PRIDE Reading Program.  The PRIDE Reading Program is an Orton-Gillingham curriculum that is used by teachers, tutors, and homeschooling parents worldwide with great success.

PRIDE Reading Program

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Karina Richland, M.A., is the author of the PRIDE Reading Program, a multisensory Orton-Gillingham reading, writing and comprehension curriculum that is available worldwide for parents, tutors, teachers and homeschoolers of struggling readers. Karina has an extensive background in working with students of all ages and various learning modalities. She has spent many years researching learning differences and differentiated teaching practices. You can reach her by email at or visit the website at
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